Training for the endoscopists
There is quite few numbers of doctors who can perform endoscopy in Bhutan. We started to train the doctors in order to find the early gastric cancer by endoscopy.
Our measure called train the trainer (TTT).
Bhutanese doctors report the cases at the end of the month to HIGAN.
In this way, they can verify their abilities to find the early gastric cancer with this reports.

TTT is a program designed to disseminate endoscopic skills to those endoscopists who hold training positions in their own countries near future.
Japanese professor Yao trained Bhutanese doctors.
Now we continue TTT by zoom each 3 months with the help from Kyusyu University Telemedicine Development Center of Asia (TEMDEC).
In 2023, Bhutan Doctor found early gastric cancer and ESD(endoscopic submucosal dissection). was performed.
We have started endoscopic TTT also in Lao PDR in 2022 together with Lao National Cancer Center, and invited them to Japan for further study.

Non-Profit Organization HIGAN
-Eradicate Gastric Cancer-
Main Office
Takamatsu 1-42-20-1 Nerima-ku, Tokyo Japan
©2022 HIGAN